Saturday, August 11, 2012

LOTS of catching up to do...

Hey everyone!
SO... I guess we have been a little "off the radar" for a while now. We moved (a few times), and we closed our Facebook accounts. I have been getting asked, begged, and practically pleaded with to start some way to stay more in touch with friends and family. It got to where Jason and I neither one could stand Facebook anymore so we decided not to open another account, so I figured this would be another easy way to keep in touch and still be able to post pictures, etc...

So, for those of you who knew us from Memphis, we moved to Arkansas in JAN 2011 and stayed with my parents for a few months.  Meanwhile, Jason started a new job as a truck driver (Over the road). He was gone A LOT. That was hard. After just a few months of that, he got a job offer/ career change to get into the oil field. (Not the off-shore kind). From there we moved to Oklahoma. He was still gone quite a bit, but that's just part of it, and it wasn't nearly as bad as truck driving...not to mention the money was much more worth it!  After close to a year of that, he heard of a different company, paying more and he would move up a position.. only it was in Texas.. SOUTH Texas! But his schedule would be much more set..2 weeks on , 1 week off, with the week off paid. So he took that job, and was driving like 10 hours or more home every other week for his week off. Finally we decided it would be a good idea for us to move to Texas so that he wouldn't have such a drive. We decided to move to the Dallas area, since his mom lives here and at least we would have someone close to help with the kids when we needed it. So here we are... in Quinlan, TX about an hour east of Dallas. It's a quiet little town and only about 10 miles or so from the lake! We have a really nice house, which I will post pics of soon. I just got Beau registered in school here and he starts 2nd grade on the 27th. I know he'll do fine with the transition to a new school. Brody turned 2 in June and he thinks he is 12... he is so different than his brother. Sometimes I think Beau would be 2 again if he could and have us do everything for him again, when Brody wants to do it ALL himself. :)  Crazy kids!
Anyway, so enough of this post...hope this updates everyone on what we've been up to. (If you are family, you pretty much know all this already ..haha)  I promise to share more soon.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Will be thinking of Beau on his first day of school. I am sure he will be fine and I will pray for his upcoming doctor visits to go well. Give him a hug from Mimi and lots of luck sent for the new 2nd grader!!
