Monday, August 20, 2012

Lazy weekend has come to an end...

This weekend has been pretty boring and lazy. Lots of house cleaning / the normal stuff.  The kids and I went to a fish fry Saturday night at the American Legion here in town.  J's mom and step-dad are members, so they invited us out. The boys had a good time and we all loved the catfish. 

This week coming up, will leave us needing another one though, I'm sure of it!  We have a week full of doctor appointments!  UGH! I don't know if it is just the handful of having both kids with me while at the doctor, or just the waiting and waiting at the doctor, or what it is about it, but going to doctor appointments (especially for the kids) just always seems to wear me completely out! At least J comes home this week, I have that to look VERY forward to!! :)

First, Wednesday morning Brody has his 2 year checkup. We are a little past due, due to moving and everything but he has been pretty healthy and I would say above average on his development, so no worries there. 

Thursday, First of all .. is Beau's 8th Birthday!!!!!  :) I  CANNOT believe I have an 8 year old! HA! 
Anyway, Beau has to go to his follow-up appointment with the GI.. I don't know how much I've kept anyone in the loop about this, but I am almost positive he is allergic to Gluten. Whether it is full blown Celiac Disease or just a Gluten Intolerance, I don't know yet. He has always had a lot of stomach problems and over this past year, he has really been struggling with them. He NEVER feels good, always tired, etc.. and it got to a point recently where he was getting sick for no apparent reason, but mainly after he ate. I never knew about Gluten period, much less Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease.. only heard of it once or twice and never gave it any thought at all. I have been hearing a ton about it recently and when I started hearing of they symptoms and began researching, it just clicked.. he has just about every one!  Plus, he has Hypothyroidism, and they say it is not uncommon for them to run together. 
He had an appointment last week with a terrific Pediatric GI, and he had him in for an Upper GI this past Friday. He wanted to look and make sure his anatomy had formed right and everything passed from his throat to his stomach and then his stomach emptied correctly, just to rule out any more complicated anatomy problems first. Everything is fine with that and we go back on Thursday to talk with him about the next step, which will more than likely be a EGD (scope down his throat) since he spoke of doing that next. When they do that, they will take several biopsies of his intestines and stomach lining. 
I don't really want to get too worried yet, and I am trying to unconvince myself that it is the whole Gluten thing, but I just can't seem to. Anyway, I will keep you all up to date on that. I was hoping to get all of this resolved before school starts, but seeing as how he starts school next Monday, that doesn't look like it's going to happen. The bad thing is that until he is diagnosed, I can't put him on a Gluten free diet cause it can mess up test results. So now I feel horrible, cause I know feel like everything I feed him, is making him feel bad or making him sick! *WORST mommy feeling in the world*

Friday morning, J has to go to a consultation for his EGD. He has reflux really bad, always has, and he has had a really bad cough that hasn't gone away for nearly a year now. They did a chest x-ray and a CT Scan and everything was fine there. The Dr. wanted him to have an EGD anyway to see if the reflux was causing worse problems. She also sent him to do a Pulmonary FunctionTest... and the results came back showing he has Asthma! How in the world do you go almost 40 years and all of the sudden come down with Asthma?? But that IS the diagnosis. 
So, on Friday afternoon, he has a follow up with her for Asthma treatment. 
Friday afternoon, I also have an appointment. Luckily, we see the same doctor, so we are both going in at the same time. A while back, I pulled or tore my rotator cuff and it has been giving me problems ever since and just getting worse.. Lord, I PRAY I do not have to have surgery!!! I think they said I will need an MRI to know for sure. :(

SO..... I know it sounds like we are all falling apart, but if I can just get / keep my babies (all 3 of them) better, I will be just fine!  
J should be here tomorrow night or early Wed morning, so I can't wait to have my 24-hour snuggle pillow here for the next week! LOVE HIM! :)

Hope your week goes great and please pray for ours! HA!

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