Saturday, November 24, 2012


I realize I am just a little bit late, but better late than never, right?

I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving and got to spend time with friends, family, or whatever your tradition is for the holidays. 
We had a good one. This was the first time we held Thanksgiving at our house and I actually did a lot of cooking. I was really afraid of how it was going to turn out. I am not what I would call a great cook and I have NEVER done a big meal or family dinner or anything like this. But it all turned out really well, food was good and we had family from Memphis come down and spend some time with us.  I hate that I was so busy and it was such a quick visit that I didn't get any pictures or anything. Oh well. 

I haven't done the "daily things I am thankful for" this year like everyone else has been doing, but I do have so many things that I am very thankful for, so here is a little list. 

1. My AMAZING husband who loves me through all of my craziness
2. My two boys, the greatest gifts ever given to me
3. Family
4. Our home 
5. Jason's job
6. Our health
7. God 

and about a million more things.... 

Now, I am so ready for Christmas. That is my favorite holiday. For some reason, it just seems to be so much more special to me. I just can't wait. Jason is taking quite a bit of time off for Christmas too to use up his vacation time, so it will feel so good to have him home for some extra time together. 

 This year has been the best in a long time for us and our family and next year is just going to be even better.   :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

9 YEARS!!!

Today is mine and Jason's 9 year Anniversary!

9 years ago today, I married my very best friend!  I know that is what everyone says about their spouse, but he truly is mine.  We laugh till we are in tears, we fight, we yell, but in the middle of all our chaos, he can look at me and smile and all I can do is melt!  He is my world and the center of our little boys' lives.
We all miss him so so much when he is gone working, but it just makes the time we have with him so much better. I am so grateful and so proud of how hard he works to give us all a good life, and just give us the very best.

It's been a wild and crazy journey, there have been lots of ups and a few downs, but we just keep pushing on and know that as long as we push together, we can move mountains!!

Jason, I love you so very much and I thank you for coming up and shaking my hand that very first day so long ago, like a true gentleman! It meant more than either of us obviously knew.  ;)


Wow... This is SO long ago. This was at his cousin's wedding. One of the first family events that he brought me to. We had only been dating for a few months here. 

Our wedding rehearsal night. Gah, we were so young! 

That magical day... November 1, 2003

Walking in to our reception.  I think the music was coming on for our dance. 

This is me saying "don't you do it"... 

And of course, in true Jason nature,  he did it... I got him too though ;)

And the FABULOUS ride we left in... 

Not long after...

Proud daddy and his first born son, Beau <3

Fast forward 6 years..and a looong hospital stay, and we have our 2nd precious boy, Brody.

Our two beautiful boys,.. our life! 

Our summer vacation together... Vegas 2012

And that is our life together, so far...

I know this is a long post, but we have a lot to celebrate. Its been a long journey.  We drive each other crazy, and wouldn't have it any other way!

Halloween 2012

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween this year!  The boys had a lot of fun in their costumes and it was Brody's first year to trick or treat....and Beau LOVED showing him how to do it! 
Brody didn't quite know what to think about it at first. He walked up to the first door with Beau but as soon as the people came to open the door, he ran back by me. lol   Once he caught on though, he had a blast.  We live in a small town and tiny little neighborhood and there were only about 3 or 4 houses giving candy :(  so they didnt get a ton of candy, but that is really probably for the best! Brody was a sugary, sticky mess before we even got back home! LOL

Here is Beau. He dressed up as a ninja this year. The costume came with a sword and everything, but he didn't want to carry it around the neighborhood.
 (Ignore the mess on the driveway, there is NO. END.  to the acorns falling out of our front yard tree! ugh!)

And Brody was Superman... sometimes, I think he really thinks he is Superman! LOL

So Sweet! Big brother walking little brother around the neighborhood, showing him how to trick-or-treat.  (Beau kept saying, "Mom, I KNOW you are back there taking pictures... i can hear it! ")  hehe

Showing him how it's done...

I could NOT get Brody to look at me to take a picture.. He LOVES firetrucks!  (I don't think I can emphasize LOVES  enough.. :))

Anyway, they had a blast! Neither of the boys got into bed before 10:00 last night. Beau has a bit of a cold, and Brody was all sugared up so neither slept very well, either. We woke up so late this morning, and to say we were rushed to get Beau to school is an understatement!!! 
But, they had a great night and will have great memories of Halloween 2012! and that's all that matters.  Only thing missing was daddy...he is working, but they got to carve a pumpkin with him when he was home last week.  :)
Love My Boys!