Saturday, November 24, 2012


I realize I am just a little bit late, but better late than never, right?

I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving and got to spend time with friends, family, or whatever your tradition is for the holidays. 
We had a good one. This was the first time we held Thanksgiving at our house and I actually did a lot of cooking. I was really afraid of how it was going to turn out. I am not what I would call a great cook and I have NEVER done a big meal or family dinner or anything like this. But it all turned out really well, food was good and we had family from Memphis come down and spend some time with us.  I hate that I was so busy and it was such a quick visit that I didn't get any pictures or anything. Oh well. 

I haven't done the "daily things I am thankful for" this year like everyone else has been doing, but I do have so many things that I am very thankful for, so here is a little list. 

1. My AMAZING husband who loves me through all of my craziness
2. My two boys, the greatest gifts ever given to me
3. Family
4. Our home 
5. Jason's job
6. Our health
7. God 

and about a million more things.... 

Now, I am so ready for Christmas. That is my favorite holiday. For some reason, it just seems to be so much more special to me. I just can't wait. Jason is taking quite a bit of time off for Christmas too to use up his vacation time, so it will feel so good to have him home for some extra time together. 

 This year has been the best in a long time for us and our family and next year is just going to be even better.   :)

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