Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hey there! I don't really have a lot to say about one particular thing or even a bunch of different things today... mostly just the same old stuff going on, waiting on   these procedures that we have coming up, etc.
Beau has finished his first week of school and he had a GREAT week. But no matter how much he loves it, he is still 8 years old and is very happy about being out of school tomorrow for the holiday. LOL
He also lost another tooth today. This makes his 9th baby tooth lost now. Only problem is, we have no idea where he lost it... and this isn't the first time that has happened! This is actually the second tooth he has lost and he didn't even know it until I noticed it!  The first one was a couple of years ago, he lost it at school and had no idea. I noticed it when he got home. Now this one, it was there this morning and this afternoon cause we were talking about it and how it was SO ready to come out (but he would not let me pull it), and here we are after dinner and he came to tell me something and I noticed it. I said "you lost your tooth?"  He said "I did?" LOL   Crazy kid.
I'm wondering if he swallowed it?  Oh well. Guess we will have to just write a letter to the tooth fairy and she will come anyway.  :)

Oh.. I have started a new workout. It is called Rockin' Body. It's with Shaun T, the same guy who does the Insanity workout Dvds.  We have the Insanity program but I think that is a little intense to start out with. Especially until I get something done about my shoulder, (which by the way, my MRI got rescheduled for this Wednesday due to insurance issues).  Rockin' Body is PLENTY intense for me as it is! It kicks my butt, but I really like it. It works really well too. I did it for about a month this summer before we went to Vegas and I had really good results, so I figured, why not?  I am really just trying to give myself something to do during the day. There is only so much Dora, Diego, Bubble Guppies, Power Rangers, playing basketball, playing catch, writing and drawing together and swimming together that I can take... Give me some adult activities please!!! LOL

I guess that is about all I have tonight.  Talk to ya again soon!

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