On the 13th, Jason had his EGD, and they did some biopsies. He does have some damage from long term reflux. The doctor found that he has a Schatzki Ring, which I understood to be like inflamed tissue that forms a ring in the esophagus. Over time, the diameter can keep getting narrower and if it causes blockage or he has a hard time swallowing food, they may have to go in and stretch it back out. It looked ok for now and hasn't caused him any problems yet. He also just had some sore spots that he is taking meds to heal.
On the 17th, Beau had his EGD and Colonoscopy and also had a small mass removed from the top of his left thigh. The Colonoscopy results were normal, no polyps, thank GOD! But the EGD showed definite signs of early Celiac Disease. The way the doctor explained it to me is, the inside of the intestines is supposed to have little hairlike things called Villi that absorb the nutrients from the food you eat, and they are supposed to be tall like shag carpet. In most people who have Celiac Disease, the intestines have been so damaged that those villi are flattened because they go years and years before being diagnosed. Due to the general symptoms, they get misdiagnosed as IBS, or some other GI disorder. Beau has only had these major symptoms for about the past year, so I guess we have caught it pretty early. I started researching his symptoms when it started getting bad and when I first started to worry, and when I found out about Celiac Disease, I was pretty convinced he had it and so I was the one who even brought it up to his pediatrician. I thank God for leading me to find this disease online, cause I don't know how long it would have been before it was even thought of. Beau's pediatrician didn't seem real knowledgeable about it and actually said from the blood work that she thought he was negative, but she sent us to a GI doctor to find out what else it could be. At our first appointment with the GI doctor, I brought it up again. Anyway, the biopsies showed that Beau's Villi are still tall like shag carpet, but it looks like someone came in and threw powdered sugar everywhere. He said there are little spots all over that have been damaged by gluten and/or possibly other food allergies. He repeated some blood work that we should hear back about on Monday. However, he said that regardless of what the blood work shows, he will still go ahead and start him on a gluten free diet. He knows from the biopsies that Gluten is for sure a problem, but I guess he is wanting to try to pinpoint any other food allergies or other problems, if there are any. I am not sure if he can tell that from the blood work or if he will just try process of elimination because he did mention that when we first start the diet, he may go ahead and take him off Gluten, eggs, dairy, and corn and then add one at a time back in over a long period of time to try to see if anything else bothers him as well. We will see a nutritionist when the diet begins to make sure we do it right. Most of the time they repeat the upper Endoscopy in about a year to check for healing in the intestines.
So, it's going to be a long road, but I am determined to do whatever it takes to get him feeling better and let him have the normal, active life of a happy 8 year old boy again!!
As far as the mass that was removed from his leg, I am waiting to hear back from another doctor about the results of the biopsy of that. I did call the office and they said the results do show that it is not malignant. It shows that it is a Lipoma, which is a benign tumor of fatty tissue, with some ossification (bone). The surgeon is supposed to be calling me back to talk more about it.
Beau is surely a trooper, I can say that. He has been through a LOT in his 8 years so far and I can only pray that things get better for him soon.
In spite of everything, he is doing really well in school and loves his teacher and new friends.
In other news, Jason comes home again on Tuesday and we CANNOT wait! This trip has seemed like forever! We miss him!
I will be going to New York with my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law (is that a word? lol) on October 12 for the weekend. I went with Jason and my in laws in 2009 for Jason's birthday but ... we left on a Friday and the Wednesday right before that, I found out I was pregnant with Brody! So, I was nauseous and crampy from all the walking and stuff and the last day before our flight back home, I just stayed in the hotel room while they went out for a few more hours to see a few more things. So this time around, I should be much more attentive and see things that i probably missed last time. I just wish Jason could be there again, but it will be nice to have a girl's trip. :)
Talk again soon!